My journal/diary – helping to live as well as you can with dementia

May, 2023

Dementia is a challenging condition that affects millions of people. It not only affects your memory and cognitive functions but also impacts your quality of life and relationships with your loved ones. Many people living with dementia struggle to remember things like important information or appointments, which can be frustrating for them and their families.

One way to alleviate some of the stress of living with dementia is to write down important information in a journal or diary. This is a good habit to build into your daily life especially in the early stages of dementia as it can make you feel more independent and in control of your daily life. Here are some hints on how to effectively use a journal or diary to remember important information.

1. When you start using a journal or diary, it's important to keep it with you at all times. Get in the habit of writing things down when they happen so that, for example, when someone asks you what you did last weekend you can check it out. I use a diary that has a To Do page for every week. This works well as not only is it a prompt for appointments but I write down anything I think is memorable when it happens so that I can look back and remind myself so that I can tell other people about the event. I make sure it's easily accessible, so you don't have to go searching for it when I need it.

2. Write down important dates and appointments such as birthdays, anniversaries, and doctor appointments. It's important to keep track of these things, and getting into the habit of writing them down once again and can give you more confidence that you have some control and are able to maintain your independence for as long as possible.

3.Write down your daily routines such as when you wake up, when you eat your meals, and when you take medication. Having this information written down helps you not only stay on track with your daily routine but is useful for whoever is caring for you to see when you like to do things so that they can follow your routine when you start forgetting when you do these things.

4. Make a list of things you need to do for the day. This can include grocery shopping, paying bills, or calling a friend. Having a list will help you remember what needs to get done and gives a feeling of achievement when you cross them off when they have been done!.

5.Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be therapeutic. It can also help you remember important information. For example, if you have a conversation with someone about a topic you're interested in, you can write down important points from the conversation so you can refer to them later.

6. Use reminder prompts to help trigger your memory alongside your journal/diary. For example, if you need to take medication every day at a specific time, set an alarm on your phone to remind you to take it and then cross it out or put a tick by it when you’ve taken your tablets. I find that really useful as sometimes if I’m really busy when my reminder tells me to take my tablets, I don’t take them immediately and then later can’t remember if I’ve taken them so my journal/diary prompt is helpful.

7. Sharing your journal with your loved ones can be helpful as they can remind you of important things and help you keep on track with your daily routine. It also means you can still take part in meaningful conversations when you look at the record you have made of important or interesting events you have taken part in.

In conclusion, using a journal or diary can be a helpful tool for people living with dementia. It's important to keep it with you at all times, write down important dates and appointments, record your daily routines, make lists, record your thoughts and feelings, use reminder prompts, and share your journal with others. These tips can help you to live as well as you can with dementia and stay connected with your loved ones.


Until the next time – let’s live as well as we can with dementia.