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Keeping Well post pandemic

It is really important that we look after our physical and mental health wellbeing during this stressful time. Here are a few suggestions for what you can do to help you cope

Former footballers three-and-a-half times more likely to die from brain disease.

AmbaCare Solutions noted with interest today that professional footballers in Scotland are to be banned from heading the ball in training the day before and the day after a game. Clubs have also been advised to limit exercises that involve repetitive heading in training to one session per week. The new guidelines have been put in place following research from Glasgow University which has shown that former footballers are three-and-a-half times more likely to die from brain disease than people in the same age range in the general population. This has been widely reported today in the media including BBC Radio 4, BBC News online and the Guardian.

'Here 4 U' Warm Hub with Advice and Support for people experiencing mental health issues due to the impact of the 'cost of living crisis' in Foleshill Coventry.

A new initiative for AmbaCare Solutions.

Managing Dementia and Improving Cognition

Make sure to take care of your physical health and eat a balanced, nutritious diet. Get plenty of rest and exercise to keep your brain active and healthy.

Staying Socially Engaged

 Staying engaged socially and making connections with other people are both essential for managing the symptoms of dementia.

At the doctor

If you have any concerns or questions about your memory it is really important that you discuss these with your doctor. You may be worrying unnecessarily about memory problems thinking that it must be the start of dementia.

Digital Champions | Talking about tech with Ruth | Age UK

Ruth Chauhan talks with Age UK about new technologies and the many ways in which it benefits senior citizens.

Creating Routines

As you get older there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk of dementia or delay its progression if you are living with dementia.

What can be done to make living with dementia better?

The best thing to do is to approach each day as positively as you can, this applies to the person living with dementia and their informal carer. Easier said than done but here are some tips for you around taking time for yourself each day to relax and enjoy your favourite activities.

We’re in this together!

Sharing experiences and learning from other people with dementia can be extremely beneficial in many positive ways. By coming together and sharing our stories, challenges, and successes with each other, we not only feel understood, but can also learn new or different ways of coping by learning from each other's experiences.

Technology can help a lot!

If you are living with dementia, or caring for a loved one with dementia, there are a number of different devices which can help day to day living more manageable and less stressful. Here are some of the devices that you might find helpful.

My journal/diary – helping to live as well as you can with dementia

One way to alleviate some of the stress of living with dementia is to write down important information in a journal or diary. This is a good habit to build into your daily life especially in the early stages of dementia as it can make you feel more independent and in control of your daily life. Here are some hints on how to effectively use a journal or diary to remember important information.

Tip for December 1st

Follow our Advent Calendar 2023

Tip for December 2nd

Follow our Advent Calendar 2023

Tip for December 3rd

Follow our Advent Calendar 2023